Guaranteed 80% Participation Rate & $50,000 In Upfront Tax Savings
We will install and manage an AI driven virtual wellness program in your business within 60 days saving you between $50,000 in tax savings, guaranteed. While achieving a guaranteed 80% participation rate.
No monthly admin keep up for you, just install and save. We take care of the rest.
All At No Net Out Of Pocket Cost
Within 60 Days Completely Done For You
Are You Currently
Struggling With

Time Constraint
It takes entirely too long to research, source, then implement and maintain a top notch wellness program.

Money Constraint
Your company does not have the ability to fund a program because the installation and monthly fees are to expensive.

No Participation
Your current wellness program may only suit a small section of your employee count... so you have low participation.
Why Choose Us
We take the work off of your hands as much as possible so you save $10,000s while your employees can thrive with new found morale and productivity.
$50,000 Saved Minimum
The company saves on average about $500/ qualified employee in upfront tax savings in our program. So $50,000/ 100 employees.
80% Participation Rate
We send robust communication to your employees, through email and phone call in order to have them sign up.
Life Insurance Polices
Each qualified employee in the program will receive a portable cash building life insurance policy with living benefits.
Can be completely virtual
Our program is not just a one stop shop where everything needs to be done in one location. Every part of the program can be done completely virtually.
Save up to 50% in Workers Comp. Premium
With the program installed for a year+ companies have been able to save up to 50% in their workers comp. premiums.
All At No Net Out Of Pocket Cost
There is no difference in take home(net) pay from the employer nor employee... so this is program is funded completely net free. All within 60 days